Project Based Learning - Frequently Asked Questions

What does our schedule look like?

We run on a Monday to Friday schedule instead of cycle days.  On Wednesdays the students end one period early and are encouraged to take part in extracurricular activities and homework help run by our community partners.  This allows teachers to have a common meeting time to plan projects with each other.  Teacher collaboration is essential to successful PBL.   


What real world skills are students developing through PBL? 

●    Collaboration 
●    Creativity
●    Critical thinking
●    Communication 
●    Problem solving
●    Flexibility and adaptability
●    Global and cultural awareness
●    Information literacy 
●    Leadership
●    Time management 
●    Work Ethic 
●    Responsibility 



Is there an entrance exam? 

No, Project Based Learning is for ALL students attending Beurling.  We ensure that all students with different academic abilities are able to engage in PBL utilizing the wide variety of strengths our students have.



How will students be graded? 

Project units will contain both formative and summative assessments of students individually and in groups.  In addition to teacher feedback, students will learn how to give and receive constructive peer feedback that will improve their project products.  


What is a public product ? 

Students make their project work public by explaining, displaying and/or presenting it to audiences beyond the classroom. Having a public product ups the stakes for students, leading them to do higher quality work.



How are experts involved in projects? 

Experts assist students’ learning by presenting information and/or assisting with product creation.   Experts can act as advisors and ask students deeper questions to prod their thinking as well as provide feedback to improve the products they’re creating.


Can I be involved? 

Yes! If you would like to be involved in sharing your expertise or partnering with us you can contact our Community Development Agent, Simone Viger at Beurling Academy at (514) 766-2357, or by completing the questions found through this link: https://forms.gle/RxiosTckcnpQFMUC7