IB Middle Years Programme: Grades 7 - 11

Interdisciplinary Learning

Interdisciplinary learning is an important way through which students learn the ways different subject are interconnected. Students also develop higher level thinking and decision-making skills.

Projects are established within each grade level by teachers who synchronize their teaching relating to common concepts, the development of specific skills and the delivering of specified content.

Teachers across multiple subjects also use school events and fundraisers (Run for the Cure, 30 Hour Famine) as an avenue to educate students about the importance of learning about, and participating in, both the local and global community.

There are usually many areas in a school’s curriculum where cooperation between subjects can benefit student learning. 

Examples include:

  • Students studying common forms of writing across multiple language courses
  • Developing problem solving and numeracy skills in both Math and the sciences
  • Using content from design courses to incorporate technology into other subject areas


Interdisciplinary Learning Assessment Criteria

Criteria A Criteria B Criteria C Criteria D
Disciplinary grounding Synthesizing Communicating Reflecting